
2022 in Review

January 1, 2023

I didn't accomplish a lot of what I hoped to do. I ran less than any other year prior since 2011, and didn't manage to run a 5k under 23 minutes. I didn't release Stork 2.0.0 or publish my blog redesign or start swimming again. I didn't travel except for work, I didn't journal, and I didn't solidify any new hobbies or passions.

But I'm happy about how the year went! I had a really gratifying job change at work, I spent more energy seeing my friends (and feel like it paid off), I started attending Shabbat services at the synagogue down the street. I took some cool photos and fostered some friendships while doing so. I paid more attention to planning and anticipating the future, which cut down on stress. I started budgeting, I got engaged (!!), I worked on my mental health, and I stepped away from social media.

I'm feeling grateful for 2022 went and excited about 2023!