
How I Run

October 4, 2023

There’s the athleticism part of running, which I don’t really want to get into today. Instead, I want to write down a moment-in-time snapshot of the gadgets I use when I run.

  • I use my Apple Watch with the built-in Workout app to see my distance, time, and pace along the run, and to record the location and pace data.
    • I wish there was a good app that would let me build a route on my phone, then let me see how I’m tracking it on my watch as I run while giving me voice instructions.
  • I bring my phone in a running belt for music and safety.
  • I listen to an audiobook or some music while I run with some AfterShokz OpenRun headphones.
  • I sometimes wear a headband 'cause I sweat.
  • Apple Music’s Dance Workout playlist is my go-to these days.

This has changed a lot over the years! I’ve always been a music runner, but early on I was listening to Songza, and for a while I was listening to a Spotify playlist for gamers. I don’t remember what I listened to before I had cell signal, though?

I’ve used Runkeeper, Nike Run Club, but Strava has eventually won out. I used Nike Run Club when you were supposed to stick a little motion sensor in your shoes—the shoes had a special hole in the sole that you’d put it in. It would sync to my iPod Touch. I switched to Runkeeper when I first got an iPhone and started tracking runs with the GPS on my phone. Strava eventually won out because when the Apple Watch first came out, Strava had better support for syncing Apple Watch workouts. Now I’m locked into Strava for the social stuff and, for the most part, I’m happy.

I don’t need my phone for this setup, which is nice. If I really want to run unencumbered, I can track the run with just my watch and listen to (downloaded) music or podcasts (although none of the Apple Watch apps make it easy to download specific music or podcasts quickly before I head out).